Halloween cuteness!
And for the requisite bit of doom on Halloween, he doesn't really need the stump to stay standing. He can push himself up to standing and stay that way all on his own for a bit. Next step: steps! Doom!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 09, 2009
Nope, not going to smile
He's learning all sorts of new tricks, this being just one. He'll clamp his lips down over a smile. It's clear he's trying not to smile, despite his mouth's best efforts, and it's freakin' adorable.
Among other tricks since I last posted:
All-in-all, he continues to be happy and delightful. As we suspected from the time he was in utero, he never stops moving, and we have to be on high alert for the baby proofing. He also needs to get over his sensitivity to things like falling on this butt and bonking his head, as that's just going to happen when you move constantly.
He's got 6.5 teeth (one just poked through) and an 8th on its way. He weighs somewhere around 23 pounds, and is still too tall for his own good (we've started moving everything on tables to the middle). He's got to be over 30" by now. We'll find out for sure next month at his 1 year appointment. Did I just say "next month" and "1 year"? Yikes! Where has the year gone?
Among other tricks since I last posted:
- Pulling himself up to standing
- Cruising around holding onto things
- Standing on his own for a few seconds at a time
- Clapping
- Waving
- High fiving
- Saying what we're pretty sure is "duck" (more like "dut!" but you get the idea)
- Sleeping through the night
- Going to bed on his own with no fussing
- Falling asleep for naps on his own (with some fussing)
- Eating with the big kids at day care (next week he will be the big kid, which is kind of scary. And kind of a bummer, as he won't have the older kids to model stuff for him)
All-in-all, he continues to be happy and delightful. As we suspected from the time he was in utero, he never stops moving, and we have to be on high alert for the baby proofing. He also needs to get over his sensitivity to things like falling on this butt and bonking his head, as that's just going to happen when you move constantly.
He's got 6.5 teeth (one just poked through) and an 8th on its way. He weighs somewhere around 23 pounds, and is still too tall for his own good (we've started moving everything on tables to the middle). He's got to be over 30" by now. We'll find out for sure next month at his 1 year appointment. Did I just say "next month" and "1 year"? Yikes! Where has the year gone?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Yup. He's crawling. He's been able to for awhile, but has preferred to either stretch out on his belly, crawl a couple steps then flop down and pump his legs and cry until we took him where he wanted to go or work his way over to whatever he needs by going back and forth between hands and knees and sitting up. Still not sure how he managed it, but he did. But, as you can see, we now have actual crawling. Good thing we have gates.
In other news, he had his 9 month checkup last week. Other than The Cold That Never Ends (or series of colds), he's doing fine. 20 lb, 14oz. 29 inches. He's eating a variety of foods now, and can feed himself finger foods. I think he's starting to prefer chunks over purees (which is inconvenient given all of the pureed stuff I have in the freezer), but that's hit or miss. He's apparently decided carrots are the Devil's own food, which is a bummer as those used to be his OMG FAVORITE! Again, lots of those in the freezer. *sigh* He has, however, decided that cheerios are the best thing EVAR. I swear, this kid will be 90% cheerio in a few months.
In other news, he had his 9 month checkup last week. Other than The Cold That Never Ends (or series of colds), he's doing fine. 20 lb, 14oz. 29 inches. He's eating a variety of foods now, and can feed himself finger foods. I think he's starting to prefer chunks over purees (which is inconvenient given all of the pureed stuff I have in the freezer), but that's hit or miss. He's apparently decided carrots are the Devil's own food, which is a bummer as those used to be his OMG FAVORITE! Again, lots of those in the freezer. *sigh* He has, however, decided that cheerios are the best thing EVAR. I swear, this kid will be 90% cheerio in a few months.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Originally uploaded by samiratou
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Quick update
8 months. Busy, busy, busy. No crawling yet, but he's pushing back on his hands & knees and rocking. He does a little army crawl shimmy that mostly moves him backwards. Once he figures out the whole legs-need-to-move-at-different-times thing he'll be off and running.
As you can see from the photo, he's sitting up really well. He's eating more solids now, of all stripes. We're working on chunkier stuff. Which should be helped by the second tooth that FINALLY broke through, after threatening for three months.
This week has been a tad rough, in that he has a touch of croup (apparently all the kids at day care have it) and we've had our first tumble off of the changing table (he's fine. Scary as hell, tho'). Sleep has been hard to come by this week, so we're hoping the croup goes away soon.
In other news, he now has a cousin, Maren, whose pics I may post if I get permission from her parents. She came a bit early (oh boy is there a story there!) and is still in the NICU, but she'll be out soon and she's doing well and is just gorgeous. Nicolai, as you can see, is very happy about this development.
As you can see from the photo, he's sitting up really well. He's eating more solids now, of all stripes. We're working on chunkier stuff. Which should be helped by the second tooth that FINALLY broke through, after threatening for three months.
This week has been a tad rough, in that he has a touch of croup (apparently all the kids at day care have it) and we've had our first tumble off of the changing table (he's fine. Scary as hell, tho'). Sleep has been hard to come by this week, so we're hoping the croup goes away soon.
In other news, he now has a cousin, Maren, whose pics I may post if I get permission from her parents. She came a bit early (oh boy is there a story there!) and is still in the NICU, but she'll be out soon and she's doing well and is just gorgeous. Nicolai, as you can see, is very happy about this development.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Cups 'n things
We're currently exploring other foods & food delivery systems. He can hold his own bottle (though he prefers not to), and will drink from a sippie cup (again, will hold it himself until I tip it up so he can get actual liquid, at which point he lets go completely) and here we have him drinking from a big cup with Grandma.
We're trying new foods, but so far that's not going as well. I expected him to to dig avocado more than he does, but we're working on it. He's still not thrilled with Cheerios, but we're working on that, too.
He's at the point where he wants to grab and gnaw on everything, up to and including Mama's face. Cute, but slobbery. And ouchie, when he gets the tooth involved.
Swim lessons are going, well, swimmingly. Unfettered ability to kick is great fun, though the jury is still out on the whole dunking thing. He's in his own crib now, which is going pretty well. I bought a glider today, as the chair setup we had just wasn't cutting it, especially for when he decides he needs help being put back to sleep. Which is most of the time. I hear rumors about these babies that you can put down drowsy and they just fall asleep, but I still don't believe such things exist.
We're trying new foods, but so far that's not going as well. I expected him to to dig avocado more than he does, but we're working on it. He's still not thrilled with Cheerios, but we're working on that, too.
He's at the point where he wants to grab and gnaw on everything, up to and including Mama's face. Cute, but slobbery. And ouchie, when he gets the tooth involved.
Swim lessons are going, well, swimmingly. Unfettered ability to kick is great fun, though the jury is still out on the whole dunking thing. He's in his own crib now, which is going pretty well. I bought a glider today, as the chair setup we had just wasn't cutting it, especially for when he decides he needs help being put back to sleep. Which is most of the time. I hear rumors about these babies that you can put down drowsy and they just fall asleep, but I still don't believe such things exist.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
7 months
Nicolai is now 7 months old, and has changed a lot in the past month. He's now rolling over, both directions and starting to try to scootch around. He hasn't yet figured out that he needs his knees under him to move, nor that movement is a lot easier when you don't try to move both legs the same way at the same time, but he's getting there. He's now got one tooth in and another that should pop through any day now. he's much better at pulling himself up and sitting on his own, though he still does tend to lean waaaaay forward and get kind of stuck.
Solids are still going well, he chomps and makes "mmm noises" and all sorts of other cute things that he refuses to do once I set the camera up. *sigh* He's got pureed stuff under control, so I think we're going to get some avocados or bananas and try chunks in the mesh feeder thingies.
Here's a picture of Nicolai and Grandpa Warren at our wedding reception thingy this weekend. Nicolai was pretty well behaved, but he was clearly overtired and overstimulated by the end. Unfortunately, his first night away from home didn't go too well. He was hard on his grandma. Not sure if it was because of teeth or a strange place or the day or a combination thereof, but he conked out on the way home from Angie's lovely shower (we left early. Both of us were pretty much Done) and slept for almost three hours. He was much more cheerful after that, though tough to get to bed, as he woke up at 6pm. Mom sure appreciated the nap, tho'. :-)
In other semi-exciting developments, he goes in for a bit of surgery on Friday. The cyst thingie he's had on his bum since he was a few weeks old has been diagnosed and will be fixed on Friday. Minor procedure, no special care afterwards and he should be just fine. Very nice to have that dealt with, though we're not at all thrilled to be sending him off to surgery. Hoping everything goes well with that, obviously.
He's also starting to outgrow things. He's pretty much outgrown his car seat. He's not hit the height/weight limit yet, but he's long torsoed so his shoulders are getting above the top harness. We purchased the second convertible last night and they will be installed in time for me to take the infant seat to Angie at WW. He's getting too heavy for his swing, too long for the papasan seat thingie and his bouncy seat is even hanging a little low when he's in it (18 pounds now!). Some stuff we're lending to Angie, but now we're being faced with trying to find space for stuff he's outgrowing. It's a daunting task. He's even getting too big for the cosleeper--he moves around too much. He needs a crib, but he still wakes up a few times a night, and I was hoping to wait to move him to his own room until he was sleeping more reliably through the night. Not sure what we're going to do about that, yet.
But, growing is good, and things are good in general these days, and we're looking forward to fun summer things like the cabin and swim lessons (he starts Thursday). Yay, summer!
Solids are still going well, he chomps and makes "mmm noises" and all sorts of other cute things that he refuses to do once I set the camera up. *sigh* He's got pureed stuff under control, so I think we're going to get some avocados or bananas and try chunks in the mesh feeder thingies.
Here's a picture of Nicolai and Grandpa Warren at our wedding reception thingy this weekend. Nicolai was pretty well behaved, but he was clearly overtired and overstimulated by the end. Unfortunately, his first night away from home didn't go too well. He was hard on his grandma. Not sure if it was because of teeth or a strange place or the day or a combination thereof, but he conked out on the way home from Angie's lovely shower (we left early. Both of us were pretty much Done) and slept for almost three hours. He was much more cheerful after that, though tough to get to bed, as he woke up at 6pm. Mom sure appreciated the nap, tho'. :-)
In other semi-exciting developments, he goes in for a bit of surgery on Friday. The cyst thingie he's had on his bum since he was a few weeks old has been diagnosed and will be fixed on Friday. Minor procedure, no special care afterwards and he should be just fine. Very nice to have that dealt with, though we're not at all thrilled to be sending him off to surgery. Hoping everything goes well with that, obviously.
He's also starting to outgrow things. He's pretty much outgrown his car seat. He's not hit the height/weight limit yet, but he's long torsoed so his shoulders are getting above the top harness. We purchased the second convertible last night and they will be installed in time for me to take the infant seat to Angie at WW. He's getting too heavy for his swing, too long for the papasan seat thingie and his bouncy seat is even hanging a little low when he's in it (18 pounds now!). Some stuff we're lending to Angie, but now we're being faced with trying to find space for stuff he's outgrowing. It's a daunting task. He's even getting too big for the cosleeper--he moves around too much. He needs a crib, but he still wakes up a few times a night, and I was hoping to wait to move him to his own room until he was sleeping more reliably through the night. Not sure what we're going to do about that, yet.
But, growing is good, and things are good in general these days, and we're looking forward to fun summer things like the cabin and swim lessons (he starts Thursday). Yay, summer!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
We have a tooth. The front lower right incisor has finally broken through. I think the other one will be a few more days, as it's still very blistery and not showing much white yet. I don't have a picture of the tooth yet, as it's kind of hard to see, but here's a picture of him being cute and sitting up.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
It's amazing how fast they change
Nicolai seems like a very different baby from last week. Not the washcloth thing--he's done that for awhile (it was just a recent cute pic), but more verbally and such. He babbles with more deliberate syllables now, noticeable consonants, etc. Definite "baba... dada..." etc., where at best we got a "goo" as a definable syllable. He's also taking to chomping or smacking his lips. That seems to have coincided with enjoying solids more and is one of those things that's terribly cute (like the sucking on a washcloth thing) that one really doesn't expect. Of course, he won't do it when we get the camera rolling, and wouldn't likely be nearly as cute to anyone but us (and maybe his grandparents), but it really is terribly cute. Some days I don't know how Eric & I don't end up daid from teh cute. He really is crazy cute these days.
We're working on transitioning him out of the Amby and back into the cosleeper. He's doing okay with it, but it is harder to transfer him from arms to bed without him waking himself up. I envy people who can just put their babies down and have them go to sleep. I don't know if we'll ever have one of those babies. Neither Eric nor I are easy sleepers, and I feel Nicolai is doomed to the same, poor kid. I guess we'll have to teach him to read early so he can read himself to sleep like his parents. :-)
We're working on transitioning him out of the Amby and back into the cosleeper. He's doing okay with it, but it is harder to transfer him from arms to bed without him waking himself up. I envy people who can just put their babies down and have them go to sleep. I don't know if we'll ever have one of those babies. Neither Eric nor I are easy sleepers, and I feel Nicolai is doomed to the same, poor kid. I guess we'll have to teach him to read early so he can read himself to sleep like his parents. :-)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ah, milestones. Sometimes they're major, other times...well, not so much. He rolled over again today and did much better eating sweet potatoes (swallowed more than spat, actually opened his mouth for them, chewed). And he got his feet in his mouth for the first time. My baby is growing up. *sniff*
Friday, May 22, 2009
Nicolai rolling over
Nicolai rolling over
Originally uploaded by samiratou
Thursday, May 14, 2009
6 Month State of the Baby Address
Nicolai is 6 months old today. And, as you can see, he's still loving life.
He's shot up to over 16 pounds now, which puts him all the way up to the 25th percentile for weight (up from 6% or so). It's amazing how much faster babies grow when they keep their food in their tummies (he appears to have outgrown his reflux issues in the past couple weeks)! We're rather thrilled about that. :-)
He isn't rolling over yet, but he's close. He might be better at it if we put him on his tummy more, but we suck at that, as he's just starting to like spending time on his tummy. He might end up being one of those kids that goes straight to sitting and standing, bypassing the whole rolling/crawling stage. He does like to sit and stand an awful lot.
We started solids a few weeks ago, and progress on that front is slow. I'm a little surprised he hasn't taken to them more quickly, given how quickly and easily he's taken liquid nourishment in all forms. We're getting there, though. He's also got an incipient tooth (teeth actually--he's got two blisters on his gums, but one clearly has a white spot under it), but doesn't so far seem too bothered by it. In fact, he's a pretty damn happy baby. He got over his cold/ear infection rather quickly and as long as he's fed he's pretty much been Mr. Smiley-Happy-Squirmy nonstop for the past few weeks. One thing they never told me about having kids is, yeah, you may be sleep deprived, but mornings are a heckuva lot more fun when the first thing you see is someone so darn happy to see you. In some ways I wouldn't mind him staying just the way he is right now. Happy, healthy, portable, easy to feed, easy to please. I feel no need to change things at this point. ;-)
He's shot up to over 16 pounds now, which puts him all the way up to the 25th percentile for weight (up from 6% or so). It's amazing how much faster babies grow when they keep their food in their tummies (he appears to have outgrown his reflux issues in the past couple weeks)! We're rather thrilled about that. :-)
He isn't rolling over yet, but he's close. He might be better at it if we put him on his tummy more, but we suck at that, as he's just starting to like spending time on his tummy. He might end up being one of those kids that goes straight to sitting and standing, bypassing the whole rolling/crawling stage. He does like to sit and stand an awful lot.
We started solids a few weeks ago, and progress on that front is slow. I'm a little surprised he hasn't taken to them more quickly, given how quickly and easily he's taken liquid nourishment in all forms. We're getting there, though. He's also got an incipient tooth (teeth actually--he's got two blisters on his gums, but one clearly has a white spot under it), but doesn't so far seem too bothered by it. In fact, he's a pretty damn happy baby. He got over his cold/ear infection rather quickly and as long as he's fed he's pretty much been Mr. Smiley-Happy-Squirmy nonstop for the past few weeks. One thing they never told me about having kids is, yeah, you may be sleep deprived, but mornings are a heckuva lot more fun when the first thing you see is someone so darn happy to see you. In some ways I wouldn't mind him staying just the way he is right now. Happy, healthy, portable, easy to feed, easy to please. I feel no need to change things at this point. ;-)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Very happy
So, we've had our first significant illness. He was sent home from daycare on Friday with a fever. He was mostly fine on Saturday, but the fever came back on Saturday night and Saturday night through Monday night were pretty sucky. The official diagnosis on Monday was an ear infection, but he had a cough, runny nose, diarrhea and a bit of a rash. Doc said that's all to be expected with babies & infections, but it seemed like a lot to throw at the guy all at once.
He's doing much, much better now, though, thanks to the miracle of antibiotics (which he HATES. I think he has something against fake orange flavor. Not that I blame him). By Wednesday he was much better and the past couple days has been unusually smiley & happy. Today in particular.
You'd think he knew it was Friday or something.
He's doing much, much better now, though, thanks to the miracle of antibiotics (which he HATES. I think he has something against fake orange flavor. Not that I blame him). By Wednesday he was much better and the past couple days has been unusually smiley & happy. Today in particular.
You'd think he knew it was Friday or something.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Sleepin' at day care
He was smiling in his sleep when I put him down today. I managed to catch the tail end of this one.
He's been in day care for a couple weeks now. We're all pretty happy with it. He loves the kids, the activity, the variety (he's inherited my attention span--poor guy). I love that I can go over at lunch to feed him (they even have a shuttle from work!). I can usually get him to sleep after eating, but he doesn't stay that way, usually. One bummer of day care: state rules prohibit letting him stay in the swing more than a half hour. He'll sleep 2-3 hours in the swing. Flat in a crib? Which he doesn't even do at night at home? Not so much. He usually gets three half-hour naps at day care (as opposed to two half hour naps and a 2-3 hour nap at home). Two half hour and an hour, if we're lucky. It doesn't seem to bother him much, though, and he usually goes to sleep around 7, so I guess I can't complain.
He'll be five months on Tuesday. We think we're going to start him on solids soon. The spitting up is getting Really Old. It seems like all we do is feed him, 'cause we can't feed him more than about 3oz at a time or we get it all back. We're hoping a little ballast might help a bit. We'll see how it goes. If it doesn't work, we'll try again in a couple weeks.
This weekend we go out of town for Easter to visit Auntie Angie and Uncle Neil. It should be fun. I'm looking forward to seeing them again, and Angie has her ultrasound on Friday, so we'll get to see pictures of her impending arrival. :-D
He's been in day care for a couple weeks now. We're all pretty happy with it. He loves the kids, the activity, the variety (he's inherited my attention span--poor guy). I love that I can go over at lunch to feed him (they even have a shuttle from work!). I can usually get him to sleep after eating, but he doesn't stay that way, usually. One bummer of day care: state rules prohibit letting him stay in the swing more than a half hour. He'll sleep 2-3 hours in the swing. Flat in a crib? Which he doesn't even do at night at home? Not so much. He usually gets three half-hour naps at day care (as opposed to two half hour naps and a 2-3 hour nap at home). Two half hour and an hour, if we're lucky. It doesn't seem to bother him much, though, and he usually goes to sleep around 7, so I guess I can't complain.
He'll be five months on Tuesday. We think we're going to start him on solids soon. The spitting up is getting Really Old. It seems like all we do is feed him, 'cause we can't feed him more than about 3oz at a time or we get it all back. We're hoping a little ballast might help a bit. We'll see how it goes. If it doesn't work, we'll try again in a couple weeks.
This weekend we go out of town for Easter to visit Auntie Angie and Uncle Neil. It should be fun. I'm looking forward to seeing them again, and Angie has her ultrasound on Friday, so we'll get to see pictures of her impending arrival. :-D
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Four Months
Nicolai is four months old now. He's much more interactive, smiley, and generally a joy to be around. He's down to one wakeup in the middle of the nights most nights, so his mama's getting a lot more sleep these days.
In less happy news, his doc thinks he might have pyloric stenosis so we're going in for an ultrasound tomorrow to check it out. In general we're hoping the scan is negative, as that means surgery, but in some ways a positive result would be something of a relief, as we'd have a cause and a solution for his near-constant spitting up.
We've also got one last week with home care (Grandma Sheilah's got him this week) before he goes to full time day care. *sniff* My little boy's growing up so fast!
In less happy news, his doc thinks he might have pyloric stenosis so we're going in for an ultrasound tomorrow to check it out. In general we're hoping the scan is negative, as that means surgery, but in some ways a positive result would be something of a relief, as we'd have a cause and a solution for his near-constant spitting up.
We've also got one last week with home care (Grandma Sheilah's got him this week) before he goes to full time day care. *sniff* My little boy's growing up so fast!
Monday, February 16, 2009
We had a good time in Hawaii last week, though it's hard to say how enjoyable Nico found it. He was really well behaved--slept a lot on the planes and in the car. He was remarkably cheerful much of the time, though we did determine he's not so much a fan of the ocean. Too cold for him, I think. He enjoyed the first part of the botanical gardens, but then got sleepy and slept through most of them. This picture is by a set of waterfalls in the botanical gardens.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
One Minute of Nicolai
One Minute of Nicolai
Originally uploaded by samiratou
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Retooling the moblog...
So, I didn't end up using this as much of a moblog, so it's now being retooled as a kid blog. Yes, I've become one of the Those People with a blog about their kid. It seems the most efficient way to keep people up to date who aren't in close proximity to us.
So, to sum up, Nicolai Eric was born Nov. 14, 2008 at 36 weeks two days. He's now just shy of 10 weeks. He had some issues early on with eating and jaundice, is now a bit refluxy, but he's about 9.5 pounds or so and doing well. Then and now photos:
And now:
So, to sum up, Nicolai Eric was born Nov. 14, 2008 at 36 weeks two days. He's now just shy of 10 weeks. He had some issues early on with eating and jaundice, is now a bit refluxy, but he's about 9.5 pounds or so and doing well. Then and now photos:

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