Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'm a giraffe

I'm a giraffe
Originally uploaded by samiratou
Halloween cuteness!

And for the requisite bit of doom on Halloween, he doesn't really need the stump to stay standing. He can push himself up to standing and stay that way all on his own for a bit. Next step: steps! Doom!

Friday, October 09, 2009

Nope, not going to smile

Nope, not going to smile
Originally uploaded by samiratou
He's learning all sorts of new tricks, this being just one. He'll clamp his lips down over a smile. It's clear he's trying not to smile, despite his mouth's best efforts, and it's freakin' adorable.

Among other tricks since I last posted:

  • Pulling himself up to standing
  • Cruising around holding onto things
  • Standing on his own for a few seconds at a time
  • Clapping
  • Waving
  • High fiving
  • Saying what we're pretty sure is "duck" (more like "dut!" but you get the idea)
  • Sleeping through the night
  • Going to bed on his own with no fussing
  • Falling asleep for naps on his own (with some fussing)
  • Eating with the big kids at day care (next week he will be the big kid, which is kind of scary. And kind of a bummer, as he won't have the older kids to model stuff for him)

All-in-all, he continues to be happy and delightful. As we suspected from the time he was in utero, he never stops moving, and we have to be on high alert for the baby proofing. He also needs to get over his sensitivity to things like falling on this butt and bonking his head, as that's just going to happen when you move constantly.

He's got 6.5 teeth (one just poked through) and an 8th on its way. He weighs somewhere around 23 pounds, and is still too tall for his own good (we've started moving everything on tables to the middle). He's got to be over 30" by now. We'll find out for sure next month at his 1 year appointment. Did I just say "next month" and "1 year"? Yikes! Where has the year gone?