Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday, Nicolai!

Originally uploaded by samiratou
So, I've been worse than usual about writing lately, but it has been an eventful few months.

To begin: Nicolai turned 1 on Nov. 14, 2009. I didn't write about it at the time as things were rather hectic. He came down with pneumonia and an ear infection a couple weeks before his birthday and was a pretty sick kid for awhile. Then he broke out in pretty bad hives (he tends to get rashy when he gets particularly sick, but this was by far the worse reaction we'd seen. Possibly due to antibiotics. Possibly just due to everything. Probably not an actual allergy.), so his birthday started off with a doctor visit. He was mostly okay until it got to late afternoon and he needed a nap and the hives started itching. He did have fun opening presents, though, and a good time was had by all. He was kind of done by the time we got to the cake, and isn't really a food-smearing type of kid, anyway, so there's no obligatory child-covered-in-chocolate pictures, but he has enjoyed all of his presents.

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