Friday, April 24, 2009

Very happy

Originally uploaded by samiratou
So, we've had our first significant illness. He was sent home from daycare on Friday with a fever. He was mostly fine on Saturday, but the fever came back on Saturday night and Saturday night through Monday night were pretty sucky. The official diagnosis on Monday was an ear infection, but he had a cough, runny nose, diarrhea and a bit of a rash. Doc said that's all to be expected with babies & infections, but it seemed like a lot to throw at the guy all at once.

He's doing much, much better now, though, thanks to the miracle of antibiotics (which he HATES. I think he has something against fake orange flavor. Not that I blame him). By Wednesday he was much better and the past couple days has been unusually smiley & happy. Today in particular.

You'd think he knew it was Friday or something.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Sleepin' at day care

Sleepin' at day care
Originally uploaded by samiratou
He was smiling in his sleep when I put him down today. I managed to catch the tail end of this one.

He's been in day care for a couple weeks now. We're all pretty happy with it. He loves the kids, the activity, the variety (he's inherited my attention span--poor guy). I love that I can go over at lunch to feed him (they even have a shuttle from work!). I can usually get him to sleep after eating, but he doesn't stay that way, usually. One bummer of day care: state rules prohibit letting him stay in the swing more than a half hour. He'll sleep 2-3 hours in the swing. Flat in a crib? Which he doesn't even do at night at home? Not so much. He usually gets three half-hour naps at day care (as opposed to two half hour naps and a 2-3 hour nap at home). Two half hour and an hour, if we're lucky. It doesn't seem to bother him much, though, and he usually goes to sleep around 7, so I guess I can't complain.

He'll be five months on Tuesday. We think we're going to start him on solids soon. The spitting up is getting Really Old. It seems like all we do is feed him, 'cause we can't feed him more than about 3oz at a time or we get it all back. We're hoping a little ballast might help a bit. We'll see how it goes. If it doesn't work, we'll try again in a couple weeks.

This weekend we go out of town for Easter to visit Auntie Angie and Uncle Neil. It should be fun. I'm looking forward to seeing them again, and Angie has her ultrasound on Friday, so we'll get to see pictures of her impending arrival. :-D